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University of Nottingham cross-campus cooperation against pandemic.








很早以前,诺丁汉和宁波就开始了在卫生健康领域的合作。2017年,宁波诺丁汉大学、 英国诺丁汉大学、宁波市第一医院曾联合开展全球首个中英全科医学交流研究项目,依据英国在全科医学培训与实践方面的成功经验,为中国设计一整套完整且具有可操作性的全科医学培训方案,服务于现今中国分级诊疗制度,并计划未来培养数百名国际一流全科医生。不久后,宁波诺丁汉大学“诺丁汉中国卫生健康研究所”宣告成立,集三校合力和国际资源,助力中国构建低成本、高效率的卫生健康体系,在宁波率先实践。


University of Nottingham cross-campus cooperation against pandemic

The infrared radiation thermometers donated by the University of Nottingham (UoN) arrived at Ningbo No.1 Hospital in March. The donations were made possible thanks to funds raised by staff and alumni in both the UK and China.

As the UK is currently facing a challenging situation fighting the COVID-19 epidemic, Ningbo No.1 Hospital has entrusted UNNC to coordinate the donation of masks to UoN’s affiliated hospital.

Such mutual help is not limited to medical supplies. On 16th March, Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI) and UoN Asian Business Centre China jointly held a video conference between the Ningbo No.1 Hospital, the Ningbo medical team in Wuhan and the University of Nottingham UK’s affiliated hospital.

During the conference, the teams shared practical experiences of epidemic control and treatment and discussed prospective cooperation in the future. UoN and Ningbo No.1 Hospital will co-establish a long-term distant diagnosis mechanism. Dr Chengbo Wang, an MRI expert at UNNC, agreed to participate in the joint UK-China COVID-19 treatment group and provide advice in the area of medical imaging.

Professor Richard Hubbard, Director of NCHI, commented: “The information from China/Ningbo has been invaluable. The CT images sent from China have become the main teaching document for all of the radiology and respiratory departments. This has been gold dust for us to get ahead of this wave.”

Collaboration between Nottingham and Ningbo in public health has a long history. The establishment of NCHI in 2018 brought together international researchers to collaborate with health sector partners, universities and industry to find solutions that meet the required health needs of China’s population, aiming to drive improvements in the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare throughout China.

In the face of the common crisis caused by the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus, the international community needs solidarity and cooperation more than ever before. Over the past few months, UNNC has played an essential role as a bridge between China and the UK, as part of the broader international “Nottingham” community.

图文来源:Nico, Elena,

NUBS China,宁波晚报


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